Farm animal Stick Puppets Worksheet for online schooling

Resource Types:
Worksheets, Printables, Activities,
PreK, K, 1st,
English, Social Studies, Reading,
File Type:
PDF (5 MB|5 pages)

Farm animal Stick Puppets Worksheet for online schooling Description

Farm animal Stick Puppets Worksheet is another very useful study material from Kidzworksheet. This worksheet is primarily designed for online schooling and online classes in this pandemic so that virtual learning can be made more interesting and enjoyable.

This worksheet is very helpful for both parents and teachers. In Farm animal Stick Puppets Worksheet, we have included 8 very common farm animals and made puppets of these animals. This worksheet can be printed on A4 size paper and can be used as puppets after attaching a stick with these. With the help of this worksheet, you can do a variety of activities, such as you can tell about these animals in detail and their usefulness to your children or you can use them to tell a story to your children.

This worksheet is also very helpful for teachers who take online classes. Through this, they can teach their children in a more effective and interactive way so the kids won't get bored in the class. With these colorful puppets, children will be more engaged in the activities and will enjoy the class, and eventually will learn more. 
You can also send these sheet to the parents of children so that they can also use the same props what they have been using while teaching.

tag:  online schooling, online classes, study online, virtual learning, Farm animal Stick Puppets, online education 

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