Learn fraction with pizza

Resource Types:
Worksheets, Printables, Activities,
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,
File Type:
PDF (5 MB|7 pages)

Learn fraction with pizza Description

Learn fraction with pizza

Fractions are one of the most difficult mathematical operations to teach kids at an early stage. We the "kidzworksheet.com" are committed to making learning easy for kids so that they won't face any difficulty while learning. In the era of online studies, homeschooling, distance learning we have tried to make it easy for parents and teachers to teach their kids and students from their homes only. In this worksheet of fractions, we have used a colorful picture of pizza for teaching fractions. Though fractions are one of the most difficult parts of mathematics, even then visualization can make it really easy.

A fraction has two parts:

Numerator: Those slices of pizza in which we have an interest. (Our Part)

Denominator: Total slices of pizza available.

It is one of the easiest ways to teach fractions to your kids in the simplest way. Teachers can use this worksheet for online teaching, for online studies, and for homework as well. Parents can print and use these sheets for homeschooling.

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