Maths – English Reader | English combined Worksheet | All in One

Resource Types:
Worksheets, Printables, Activities,
PreK, K, 1st,
Maths, English, Reading,
File Type:
PDF (62 MB|113 pages)

Maths – English Reader | English combined Worksheet | All in One Description

This worksheet is a box full of knowledge and exercises of 113 pages and is the best solution for home tuition, classroom activities, and home schooling. This is a printable worksheet for repeated uses. 

This book will not only teach your toddler about alphabets and numbers but will also help them to use pen/pencil, improve mother skills, understanding colors.

The worksheet is designed to engage your superheroes in not only productive and learning activities but to make the learning fun and easy.

This worksheet contains an English Alphabet practice sheet, letter-tracing sheets, and several other colorings, matchmaking, and connecting dots exercises with colorful pictures to make the learning easy and interesting for kids. This book is having everything that a toddler is required to learn at the initial stage of learning.

The exercises are designed in small groups of 4 alphabets to make it easy for kids to learn the alphabets. Every group has 6 different interesting exercises which will also help

Apart from these, the Worksheet also contains number exercises from 1 to 10, understanding of Relationships, Rhymes on body part and traffic signals, and other small activities.

Finally, the sheet is having some amazing mixed exercises for practice.


  1. Let's Sing.............................................. 1
  2. Alphabet A to H.................................... 2
  3. Alphabet I to Q......................................28
  4. Alphabet R to Z.....................................55
  5. One Two.................................................88
  6. My Family............................................. 91
  7. Clap Clap...............................................94
  8. Ten Little Fingers.................................95
  9. In the ClassRoom..................................98
  10. Traffic Light..........................................102
  11. Revision Exercise..................................103
  12. Term Of Use.......................................... 112

This worksheet contains 113 pages and is best for a home tutoring or home schooling. This worksheet is a complete package that can be used

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